Ivy Treebine

Cow-itch, Marinevine, Mierba del Buey

Cissus incisa (T. & G.) Des Moulins

Whole plant
Family : Vitaceae
Longevity :Perennial
Origin :Native
Season :Warm
Ivy Treebine is a vine found in the South Texas Plains and the Edwards Plateau. It has green to reddish stems that are often warty and tends to climb with tendrils. The greenish flowers are found in clusters and are about 1/2 inch wide with four petals about 1/16 inch long. The thick fleshy leaves are dull green with small white hairs and are two-lobed with toothed margins. Ivy Treebine has shiny black fruit about 1/4-3/8 inch long that is inedible.


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